Tuesday, January 27, 2009

more prepping lessons learned

last night i did a lot of prepping and learned a few things. i made up:

  • a full batch (12 servings) of mac and cheeseburger
  • 4 servings of stuffed chicken saltimbocca
  • 2 servings of sirloin steak with balsamic red wine sauce
  • 5 servings of fresh broccoli and cauliflower
  • 4 servings of frozen corn

it took me 2.5 hours from start to finish, but most of it was really easy. the few bumps were in putting my genious idea for measuring my cooking vessel prior to bagging the mac and cheese. that would have worked beautifully, if the total weight of all the food and the pot wasn't more than my 11-lb limit kitchen scale. for what it's worth, each serving of the recipe i wrote about should weigh around 295 g.

and i was right - bagging and sealing was the biggest PITA of the whole operation. i'll stick it out with the low-grade sealer for now, and maybe what i really ought to do is make up bags for later use on nights when i'm not prepping actual meals. it's not hard work, it just takes a while since you have to wait 20 seconds between seals, and 20 minutes once it overheats.

i'll try a chicken breast this afternoon and let you know how it turned out. should be pretty good! i'm also going to stop by dorothy lane to get goat cheese and sundried tomatoes for chicken bryan. not sure if that's going to need a sauce or not...

i'm starting to think seriously about how many more weeks i should stay on bistro. i still don't have this down to a science, but i'm definitely closer...your thoughts?

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